
15 articles

What is juice jacking? Think twice before using public USB ports
Juice jacking may pose a risk at public USB charging stations. Learn how juice jacking works and how to protect your devices.
Published August 07, 2018 ·4 min read
VPN for Android
Browsing on your Android while on the go? Learn how a VPN helps protect your browsing activity on your Android smartphone or tablet, especially while using public Wi-Fi.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Norton App Lock: Protect your sensitive apps
There are currently over 4 million apps available across various mobile platforms. It's virtually impossible to keep track of each and every app on all of your devices, whether it is a shared...
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Why public Wi-Fi could be a disaster for you
Although WiFi has greatly increased convenience for laptop and smartphone users, it’s also opened up a significant number of security risks. Here’s how you can protect yourself from these threats.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
What to do when a device is lost or stolen
Realizing your mobile device has been stolen is a sickening feeling, and often one that elicits panic. As challenging...
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Three easy steps to protect your Android
Android phones appear to be the most vulnerable to malware because of the openness of the platform. The flexibility that makes for so many awesome apps has the slight downside of leaving Androids open to some security vulnerabilities.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Telltale signs an app is violating your privacy
Malware isn't just for laptops and desktops. In fact, it can be a lot easier for malware to end up on your...
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Android vs iOS: Which is more secure?
Theyre both selling by the millions, with no sign of slowing down, but there are big differences between the iOS and Android mobile platforms not least in the array of security threats they face,...
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Mobile pay is here to stay — and getting better and faster
Mobile payments are getting easier and faster. See what’s new and notable in payment apps, while learning how to make them more secure, too.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
The 5 stages of phone loss grief
Its happened to most of us. That urge to look at your phone has become a part of everyday life. Maybe you are expecting a phone call, or perhaps you want to know how many likes that picture of your...
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
What is mobile ransomware?
Mobile ransomware is a form of malware that steals sensitive data or locks a device permanently and then demands payment before unlocking it or returning the data to the user. Folks are tricked into accidentally downloading it through social networking schemes, assuming that they are downloading innocent content or critical services.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Protecting your phone and tablet from loss, theft, and attacks
Our phones are not just phones anymore. That ‘phone’ you use to stay in touch with people is actually a little computer--a ‘mobile device’--containing valuable information about you, your family, your friends, and your life.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
VPN for smartphones
How does a VPN for your smartphone protect your privacy? Learn how using a VPN on your smartphone, especially while using public Wi-Fi networks, can help keep your browsing activity safe and private.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
The risks of third-party app stores
Downloading apps from third-party app stores can put your device and information at risk, so staying with reputable sites will keep you safer.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Types of common mobile threats and what they can do to your phone
If you know anything about online security, you know that your phone is even more susceptible to malware than your computer. It gets worse. Once your phone is hacked, your computer can easily be...
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read

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